Amherst Little Britches Rodeo Queen
Alexis Brandemuehl
Hello, I am Alexis Brandemuehl and I am your 2024-2025 Amherst Little Britches Rodeo Queen, and I am looking forward to this coming rodeo season. I have been a part of LBW for 8 years and this is my senior year in high school. I have a deep love for rodeo sports such as goat tying and breakaway roping. I am constantly striving to improve my skills and make a mark in the rodeo world. My education is not confined to a traditional classroom setting for me. While I am currently taking a few classes at a local tech school to be a police officer in the k9 unit someday, my upbringing in a homeschooling environment has allowed me to embrace a well-rounded education that includes valuable life experiences alongside formal education. Being an active member of organizations such as 4-H and FFA has provided me with the opportunity to cultivate important life skills, foster leadership abilities, and build a strong work ethic. I come from a close-knit family and have two brothers who have played a significant role in shaping who I am today. Family values are deeply rooted in my upbringing, and I firmly believe in the importance of supporting and caring for one another. Since 2022, I have found solace on our family farm, where I actively contribute to the management and care of our beef herd. Additionally, I take great pride in extending a helping hand to our neighbors and fostering a sense of community wherever I go. Throughout my personal and academic journey, I remain committed to personal growth, fostering strong relationships, and utilizing my skills to make a positive impact on the world around me. To anyone that is looking at starting LBW it’s the best thing you could ever do for your child.
Rodeo Queen Information
Any Cowgirl who is eligible and in good standing with the Little Britches of Wisconsin (LBW) shall be eligible to run as Queen of the Amherst LBW.
Any Cowgirl interested in participating as a LBW of Amherst Rodeo Queen contestant will contact Jenny Blenker to get the application (contact information listed below). Rules and application will be sent to potential contestant, once the application is received back and accepted, the contestant will be contacted regarding Pageant eligibility and rules.
Contestants will be judged in 3 categories and must participate in all 3 to be eligible to be crowned Queen: poise and personality, horsemanship, and speech.
Scholarship opportunity:
- $1,000.00 Queen
- $500.00 1st runner up
- $250.00 2nd runner up
Other prizes may include:
- Queen: Saddle, Crown and Belt buckle.
- 1st runner up: Tack item
- 2nd runner up: Tack item
Contestants participating in the Amherst LBW Rodeo Queen contest will need to sell 400 tickets for the Amherst Rodeo and be available for Queen activities at the Amherst LBW Rodeo (the 3rd weekend in August).
Because participants are under 18 years old, communication concerning Pageant activities will include the parents or guardian of each contestant.
Contact for more information:
Jenny Blenker
4191 County Road T
Amherst WI, 54406